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RISCA Grant Opens: Community Engaged Project Grants

The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA) Community Engaged Project Grants (CEPG) support arts and culture projects that directly and actively engage the public in Rhode Island and/or a specific Rhode Island community. Projects must be artist instigated and organized outside of institutional support and structures. The grant is open to projects of all arts disciplines, from artists and creatives at all levels and must welcome non or new artists to engage in making, experiencing, or learning about art as an active participant. The project should directly benefit the public in Rhode Island and/or engage a specific Rhode Island community. A deep impact on a small number of people is equally as valuable as an event that many people attend.

Award Amount: $500 to $3,000.

Who can apply

  • Artists that live in Rhode Island.


April 1 Deadline

  • Grants open for applications on Feb. 1.

  • Deadline is April 1 at 11:59 p.m. 

  • Funding period supports project occurring between July 1 and Dec. 30.

Later Event: February 1
RISCA Grant Opens: Make Art Grant