Explore Past Programs
Black Ballerina
A film about those trying to achieve a goal that seems unattainable.
How can I do it? I don’t know if I belong. The repeated rejection is so hard to bear! BLACK BALLERINA is a documentary featuring several young and not-so-young students of ballet/dance who long to be able to perform their art and craft to audiences. Their struggle to achieve this applies to many other challenges beyond color to accomplish life’s goals.
The Dance Alliance of Rhode Island made this documentary readily available for groups to borrow and share with their students and associates.
Chance to Dance
Chance to Dance was an established arts program that gives Rhode Island children in grades three through six a unique hands-on experience with the arts.
All children deserve the opportunity to experience dance in their lives. Chance to Dance, a program of the Dance Alliance of Rhode Island, provided children with a 23-week program in their schools where they created dances based on the year’s theme while learning basic dance movements. Weekly classes were led by a specially trained teacher and an accompanist. The program culminated in a performance at the Providence Performing Arts Center (PPAC) in late May.
Chance to Dance was the longest-running in-school program in the state, with ten to thirteen schools per year participating consistently.
Read more about Chance to Dance on our blog here!